Registering a Domain with Angkor Design Domain Register
Once you provide the necessary information, you can use our search tool to check if your domain name is available. If it is, you can contact us directly and make the payment using a QR Code from a local bank via ABA Bank, ACLEDA Bank, Sathapana Bank, or in cash if you are nearby in Cambodia. After you confirm the payment, we will start the process of registering your domain.
Usually, this takes a few minutes to complete. However, please keep in mind that it might take up to 24 hours for the domain to become fully active. During this time, we will also give you instructions on how to set up your domain with our hosting services if necessary.
Why Choose Angkor Design Domain Register?
There are several reasons why registering a domain with us is a great choice:
- Trusted and Reputable: We are a trusted and reputable domain registrar with years of experience in the industry. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing top-notch customer service and technical support, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free domain registration process.
- Hosting Services: When you register a domain with us, you also have the option to purchase hosting services. Hosting is essential for making your website accessible on the internet, and our hosting plans are reliable and affordable. We offer various packages to cater to different needs and budgets.
Registering a domain with Angkor Design Domain Register is easy and safe. It has many advantages. Whether you want a global domain extension like .com or any other domain name extension, we can help you. We offer great customer service and reliable hosting services. Our goal is to give our clients the best domain registration experience.